Hello, in this article we will see how to create a Storage Account and assign the File Share as a network unit with two options, the first through a PowerShell script and the second using the graphic interface of the file browser in Windows. Prerequisites: Windows with the port 445 enabled. A Microsoft Azure subscription. …
Load balancing and high availability using Azure Load Balancer between two virtual machines (Part 4: Enabling web server role in Azure virtual machines and execution of failover tests)
Enabling Web Server Role in virtual machines Enter via the RDP protocol to the vm-vvillar virtual machine opening a remote desktop and typing <the public IP of the load balancer>:5000 Click on Use a different account and type the credentials of our virtual machine Click on yes in the certificate that will appear and we …
Load balancing and high availability using Azure Load Balancer between two virtual machines (Part 3: Creation of Network Security Group and Azure Load Balancer)
Creation of the Network Security Group Go to All Services, type and select Network security groups Click on Add and assign the following values: Name: nsg-vvillar Subscription: <Your subscription> Resource group: rg-vvillar Location: East US Go to the section Inbound security rules and then click on Add in the upper part of the window. Add …
Load balancing and high availability using Azure Load Balancer between two virtual machines (Part 2: Creating the second virtual machine using JSON templates)
In this second part we will see how to create a virtual machine and place it within the same availability set using the template of the first virtual machine and making changes in Visual Studio 2017 Unzip the downloaded file Open Visual Studio and select File > New Project, search within Cloud > Azure Resource …
Load balancing and high availability using Azure Load Balancer between two virtual machines (Part 1: Creating a virtual machine using the Azure portal)
Hello, in this series of articles we will see how to include two virtual machines in load balancing, one we will supply using the Azure portal, another using a JSON template, we will configure the public load balancer and we will expose the web service through the port 80. Prerequisites: Visual Studio 2017 with de …
How to create a ChatBot with Microsoft Azure and the QnA Maker service
Hello Let’s see a tutorial that consists of creating a chatbot the Azure Portal and QNA Maker to be able to solve questions that a person asks. Create a new knowledge base Sign into to the QnA Maker portal with your Azure credentials and select Create a knowledge base. If you have not already created …
How to capture and store tweets based on a hashtag using Microsoft Flow in a SharePoint Online list
Lets look a tutorial to capture tweets using a hashtag using Microsoft Flow and store them in a SharePoint Online list. The steps are: Enter the Office 365 portal at https://portal.office.com/, once inside click on the SharePoint option. Within SharePoint Online we will create a site, click on Create Site and then click on Team …
Welcome to the blog!
Hello, I created this blog to share tutorials about Microsoft Azure and other Microsoft public cloud technologies. Hope that you can enjoy the content. Best regardsVictor Villar